Trumbull Community Action Program

Trumbull Community Action Program

Volunteering and In-Kind Services

Families are encouraged to participate whenever possible in the Head Start program. Parents are welcome to visit and/or volunteer in their child’s classroom and during special events such as field trips and other program functions. Parents who wish to volunteer in the classroom on a regular basis must complete a background check and drug screening which will be provided by TCAP.



In-Kind Donations

The Office of Head Start cares about bringing communities together. Part of The Head Start Act, which is the federal law that created the Head Start Program, outlined that 80% of funding and resources for Head Start Programs are provided through federal grants, but the remaining 20% must come from the communities where each Head Start Program operates. TCAP Head Start acquires that remaining 20% through In-Kind Donations. Programs that do not meet the 20% requirement are subject to loss of some of their federal funding.

In-Kind donations can take the form of donated time, services, or materials. The donations must be relevant to the services that our program provides and must be properly documented.

Common examples of In-Kind donations are when parents, guardians, or other family members spend time working with their Head Start child on activities sent home by the teacher or reading to their Head Start child. The time parents or guardians spend during home visits, parent teacher conferences, parent committee meetings, and attending classroom parties or events also generates In-Kind.

Businesses, local agencies, and local community members can make In-Kind donations by donating time, supplies and or services to our program.