Trumbull Community Action Program

Trumbull Community Action Program


The Low-Income Household Water Assistance Program assists eligible households with water and wastewater disconnections, new service, or transfer of service.


All appointments are in person at the TCAP main building at the Pearl Street entrance, except for phone appointments on Fridays for those that are disabled and not able to come to the TCAP main building.


You can schedule an appointment by calling 330-951-0015 and staying on the line until you receive a confirmation number to secure your appointment.


Household Program Eligibility:
At or below 175% Federal Poverty Guidelines for the previous 30 days or 12 months. 


LIHWAP Income Guidelines

Size of Household

30-Day Income

12-Month Income

















If you have any additional questions, please call 330-393-2507 ext 225.